Emily M. DeArdo


the book

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Book Sale at Ave Maria Press!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you had a great day with your family/friends and lots of food and fun.

‘Tis the season for sales, and I know you’ve been bombarded with the emails (I get them too!), but I want to let you know about Ave Maria Press’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale!

Use the code BFCM23 to get 30% off and free shipping through Monday, November 27! If you want to do your book shopping somewhere other than Amazon, this is a great way to do it and support Catholic publishing and Catholic authors, while saving money!

Just click on any image in this post to go to my book’s page on the Ave Maria Press website and enter the code BFCM23 at checkout to get the deal! (Or, here’s another link).

Happy shopping!

Happy Hallowtide! (We're back!)

Emily DeArdoComment

Image from Baritus Catholic

We’re BACK, y’all!

I know I took a long hiatus post-Scotland! But now I’m back with things to write about and talk about, starting with today’s Solemnity!

(It’s also a Holy Day of Obligation, so Catholics, go to Mass today!)

The three days we’re currently in—October 31, November 1, and November 2—used to be call “Hallowtide”, “hallow” meaning “to make or set apart as holy.” All Hallow’s Eve (ie, the day before All Saints’ Day, saints being “set apart” and "holy”) was contracted in “Halloween”. The Church’s actual celebration of the day begins the night before.

All Saints’ Day is a Solemnity—the highest type of celebration in the Church calendar—where we celebrate the saints (who are all people in heaven, not just the canonized saints), and tomorrow (November 2) is All Souls’ Day, where we remember and pray for those who have died. It’s a good idea to write a list of your own friends and family members who have died and pray for those people during the month!

The other thing we can do in November (really all the time, but especially in this month, where we think about the holy souls) is think about our own death.

I know, not exactly breakfast conversation. But—we’re all going to die. And knowing that we’re going to die informs how we live.

So, yes, it’s a great month for my book! (Support your local Catholic authors!)

If you would like a signed copy (for $20, including a prayer card and bookmark!), you can get one by emailing me!

If my little book can help you live more intentionally pointed toward God and help you remember that “this world’s our ship and not our home” (St. Therese), then I’ll have done my job.

I’ll leave you with this quote from Pope Benedict XVI:

The solemnity of All Saints is, in the deepest sense, a celebration of our hope. Christians are people who affirm the reality of God and count on it. This is what it means to believe. Likewise, it can be affirmed with good reason that Christians are people who accept God’s promises, build on them, and rely on them. In other words, they hope. Hope is the other side of the coin of faith…

The creeping illness of our time is hopelessness. It seems to take root everywhere….

Beneath the surface of today’s feast, a powerful cry is perceptible: “You are expected! Definitively and forever, with the guarantee that your expectations will be fulfilled, after perhaps having carried some burdens for a long time and having asked yourself whether it all had any meaning.” The cry of hope and encouragement from the finish line reaches those who are still on the journey. It is a cry made up of many voices; a cry that causes hope to dawn: hoping with assurance and trust, hoping in a community and in a brotherhood that knows no disturbance, because the one calling is God.

I'm In Public Discourse! (And a sale!)

essays, CF, organ donation, writingEmily DeArdo1 Comment

I’m very excited to share that an essay of mine has been published in Public Discourse!

This is my first journal piece, and I’m very excited about it. In it I talk about how transplants work, the gift of more time, and (yes, of course) memento mori!

Let me know what you think!

And speaking of the book…

The Ave Maria Press Memorial Day sale is here! Through Monday, use the code REMEMBER23 for 25% off and free shipping. This is a great time to pick up a copy of Living Memento Mori (or get gifts for people!)

I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Lent-y goings on!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

So, Lent is upon us, and that means it’s time for me to ramp up talking about MY BOOK.

You can get it everywhere ( here is the Amazon link, you can find more links to buy here) ! You can even get a signed book from me! Just contact me—signed books are $20 and that includes a prayer card and a bookmark, and shipping!

If you are in the Columbus area, I will be doing a book signing at the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference next weekend (Feb. 18) at the Ohio Expo Center—details and tickets here.

Happy Thanksgiving! (And a book sale!)

the bookEmily DeArdo1 Comment

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of yummy food and time with family and friends! I am thankful for all of you—you readers are really the ones who keep the lights on over here and allowed me to reach my goal of having my story published. I am so thankful that you keep reading! :) You are in my prayers!

That’s a nice segue into….

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale at Ave Maria Press!

Use the code BFCM22 at Ave Maria Press and get 30% off plus free shipping! My book will cost you seven bucks. That’s it! $7! (With this deal, that is.) So if you need more copies because you gave yours away to friends, if you think it would make a good gift (it would), or you just want to Lent prep early, this is the sale for you. Go get it!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great weekend!

Living Memento Mori is a Book Club Selection--And You Can Join!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

I’m thrilled that Living Memento Mori has been selected as part of the Seton Shrine’s Memento Mori book club series!

The other books in the series are written by Sr. Theresa Aletheia, who wrote the foreword! So you know this is going to be a great series.

The Seton Shrine is the shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, located in Emmitsburg, MD. You can register for the online book club here; it starts on October 13 (so next Thursday!) I will be joining the book club on the last meeting date (November 17) to do a Q&A!

You can purchase your copy directly from the Shrine if you don’t already have a copy.

You can also register for the entire Memento Mori series and save 35%!

The Seton Shrine is home to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s grave, a basilica, a museum, and several historical sites. It’s a wonderful place to visit and I am so glad they chose my book for their book club!

I hope to see you there (virtually, that is)!

It's Time for Lent!

Catholicism, Catholic 101, Lent, the bookEmily DeArdoComment

In case you were unaware, Lent starts on Wednesday. Yes, this coming Wednesday, March 2!

So, let’s talk about Lent, shall we?

First a few things…

  • My friend Jen Fitz has written a retreat ebook, called Lord, You Know That I Love You, that is currently free on Amazon. That’s right, free! I highly encourage you to go check it out! The sale runs through the end of the month. (as in, through Monday, Feb. 28, 2022)

  • Not sure what Lent is? Or what we do during it? You can check out this post, which has a link to a weeklong series I did on Lenten practices!

  • Do you want to know more about the basics of Catholicism? Then you’re in luck! I wrote a whole ebook about them, called Catholic 101! It covers the church year, the sacraments, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and lots more! You can read it on any e-reader, as well as on your desktop/laptop/phone, and you can even print it out if you want to read it on paper. It’s $5!

  • And, of course, Living Memento Mori is, dare I say, perfect for Lent. If you’d like a signed copy, email me.

My Lent is usually focused on a few things. I can’t fast, but I can abstain from meat, so I do that on the days required (Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent). I also don’t use food for a penance. Instead, I give up book and yarn buying, and with the money I save from that, I use it for charitable donations (ie, almsgiving in Church parlance). Two of my favorite charities are Mary’s Meals and our local diaper bank.

I am single. I know you probably know that, but when I talk about things like penances and living Lent, I want to remind you that since I don’t have a family, I have a lot of flexibility that you might not have. Take what’s good here, and leave the rest. :) So when I say I want to try a monastic horarium for Lent (which I do, generally, try to do during Lent, in order to deepen my prayer life), that’s something that a lot of people can’t do, because they work outside the home, or they have children that wouldn't exactly allow them to pray all seven offices of the Liturgy of the Hours or have a holy hour every week!

I have a few books: Restore and Just Rest (a study of the book of Exodus). I will try to incorporate more offices from the Liturgy of the Hours —right now I say lauds (morning prayer) and vespers (evening prayer) every day, and I’d like to add in compline, night prayer. I can find time for more prayer because I’m going to limit my time on certain social media platforms, mostly Twitter right now, because I know I’m spending too much time there and Lent is a good time to try to restore correct balance in how I spend my time.

Is there anything that you would like to see me do during Lent? Living Memento Mori book club? Stations of the Cross on Facebook Live? Anything else? Please let me know!

What does your Lent look like? How are you preparing for this season?

2022 Columbus Catholic Women's Conference--In Person!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

It was so nice to be back at the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference! Last year we didn’t have one, and the 2020 conference took place before all of the COVID shut downs. It was so wonderful to gather again in person!

The conference day begins with Mass and then there are four speakers scattered through the day, which ends with a holy hour. Breakfast and lunch are also provided, and during the lunch break, I had a book signing!

It’s still surreal to sign copies of my book. I mean to have my book out there in the world and people can read it and buy it and I can sign real copies! It’s insane!

I was also so happy to see my friend Elizabeth Tomlin, author of Joyful Momentum, who also did a signing at the conference!

The day is always a long day (I got up at 5:30 and was in bed at 11!) but it’s so worth it to see friends and to be spiritually nourished. I really loved all the speakers this year, especially Sr. Tracey Dugas:

And Lisa Brenninkmeyer, the founder of Walking with Purpose:

If you’d like to hear the conference talks, you can listen to them here.

And if you’d like a signed copy of Living Memento Mori for yourself, you can use the contact form, or email me!

Seven Quick Takes with a Yarn Along!

7 Quick Takes, knitting, Dominicans, Emily knits a sweater, inspiration, Seven Quick Takes, women saints series, yarn alongEmily DeArdo1 Comment


Hi! OK first things first: I was on the radio this week!

I loved being on Al’s show! He was great to talk to, especially in working memento mori in with All Souls’ Day! It can be easy to pigeonhole my book as a “Lent book” (IT IS NOT) so I was glad to have an interview that wasn’t all Lenty!

(Although, I mean, it is applicable in Lent….;-)

Funny story about this: Since Al’s show (Kresta in the Afternoon) is broadcast nationally, Diane and her kids were able to listen to the show live, since this was aired during the pick up from school time in Houston. Di said that the kids were silent on the way home, listening to the interview!

So we have found the key to silent, calm rides home: Put on Emily talking about her book. :-p



I haven’t done a yarn along here in awhile, so let’s catch up!

Right now I’m working on several Christmas gifts, including a blanket for Madeleine…(aka, my niece)

Here’s a look at the seed stitch pattern.

The yarn for this blanket is Rowan Cashsoft Merino in Turquoise, Rosy, Snowflake, and Lavender. It’s a modification of the Sully blanket—I’ve added a four stitch knit stitch border on both sides to keep it from curling in. I might also, the next time I make this, add the border all the way around.

There are also three scarves I’m working on for Christmas gifts, which I can’t show you here, haha.

For myself:

This is the garter graffiti shawl , using Spincycle’s Dream State in Starstruck and LolaBean Cool Beans Worsted in Teal Me In. I love how the Spincycle yarn works here!

I’m also working on my Ursina sweater:

Some of the set up rows.

This is knit in one of my favorite yarns—Quince and Co Lark—in the LE color way Blue Balloon.

And that is it for a yarn along! Whew!


In the Dominican third order (Lay Dominicans), you take a name when you enter, just like the friars and sisters/nuns do. WheN I entered, I chose Bl. Lucy of Narnia as my patron. Her feast day is coming up, and if you’ve never heard of her, here is a piece from the Dominican student brothers’ blog about her!

And here’s a piece I wrote about her, many moons ago!

Lucy Pevensie, as seen in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.


Even though Orchard House (my apartment) is not a house, it’s still good sized (it’s over 1000 sq ft), and I love looking at decorating ideas. Really my style is very British/English country cottage, but when it comes to style, I love to look anywhere!

This piece in Apartment Therapy definitely made me wish I could organize my yarn like she does! Jennifer is actually a teacher in this season of Knit Stars (an online knitting mater class with a ton of teachers—there are six seasons now!), and I’m really looking forward to her class.

I mean look at the yarn!

I also really want a dress form like the one on the right, but alas, they are expensive so I’ll have to save my pennies. But they’d be great for displaying big shawls and sweaters! I also need to get a “head model” like the one you see on the shelf there. I am going to finish a hat soon, I am I swear. Just have to learn one more thing!


Patty had a pretty great Halloween and has discovered the joys of Three Musketeers bars.

L-R: Fighter pilot, Alice being held by the Queen of Hearts, a fairy, and a fire fighter!



In other Patty news, she also KISSES THE PHONE NOW. It’s so cute. We also love to play peek-a-boo: she hides herself from the phone screen and then pops back in. She thinks it’s the most brilliant thing ever.


I am just about done with my Christmas shopping and I am starting to write out my cards! I generally shop early for Christmas and I’m sure glad I did it this year because who knows when things will show up…I like to be an early bird when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Seven Quick Takes: Advent, History, Radio Show, and the Only Movie You Need!

7 Quick Takes, Advent, movies, politics, Seven Quick TakesEmily DeArdo2 Comments


Heigh ho, heigh ho! Welcome back to Seven Quick Takes.

We’ll start this week with….Patty. :) Per usual!

She has recently really gotten into baby dolls (these are all her sister Bridget’s) and I love watching her play little mama with them.

Also, Patty turns 16 months old tomorrow! Here’s a flashback photo from a year ago.


Advent is coming! Advent is coming!

May I suggest that, if you are looking for an Advent devotional, that you take a look at Take Up & Read’s? It’s called The Holy Way and a lot of love and careful attention went into this book! We’d love to have you spend Advent with us. You can order your copy now.


I’m going to be on Al Kresta’s radio show on Tuesday to talk about my book and All Souls’ Day! I will post the link when it’s up, but if you have Catholic radio in your area, check to see if Al’s show is aired where you are!


Continuing down the list, history!

Well not really history, civics.

Basically these days I use my Political Science degree to teach people civics on the internet. :-p

Today’s lesson is: how a bill becomes a law in the US Congress.

It’s introduced in either the House or the Senate. The house it’s introduced in has to pass it. After they pass it, it goes to the other house. If it’s not passed, it’s dead. If it is passed, the president can sign it or veto it. If he vetoes it, then Congress can try to override the veto. If they don’t override it, bill’s dead. Can be introduced next session.

Veto override requires a two-thirds majority of members present.

To just pass something, you need a majority. That’s it.

There’s a lot of talk about how “well you really need 60 in the senate these days.”

That is, to put not too fine a point on it, crap. Yes, the U.S.. Senate has the filibuster. Yes, it requires 60 votes to stop a filibuster. But that’s not to pass legislation.

Capisce? Do we get it? Please don’t say you need 60 votes to pass a bill in the Senate, because you don’t.


So, my dad and I, after many sojourns in ERs where we have to entertain ourselves, came up with the list of Essential Movies that Explain Life. What that means is, we draw on them heavily in regular life because they capture some truth or bon mot that applies to multiple situations.

They are:

1) The Wizard of Oz : “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking!” "Well, being a Good Christian Woman I can’t say it!” “What a world, what a world!”

2) The 1995 Pride and Prejudice. The only version. If you know, you know. “You do not make allowances for differences of situation and temper.” “The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it.” “You have delighted us long enough.” “What do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?”

3) Mr. Mom. “I can’t believe it!” “I can’t believe it!” “You’re doing it wrong!” “No, lie to him. He likes it.” “Whatever it takes.” "

4) A Christmas Story: “It could be anything!” “Don’t you feel terrible? Don’t you feel remorse for what you have done?” “

Now, I’d add two other things to this—Christmas Vacation has gotten a lot of us during the pandemic, because “Whatever Russ, whatever.” And also Home Alone gives us this great gem:


Is there anywhere else int he world that does not trick or treat on Halloween? Or is this a uniquely central Ohio/Ohio thing? I as talking to Patty’s mom the other day and she said that she couldn’t believe we had trick or treat not on Halloween. I never really thought about it because that’s just how we do it here, but yes, it’s….weird.


And I have begun writing out my Christmas cards. Yes, I begin Christmas prep early!

Seven Quick Takes: Women's Retreat, a New Book, and Yarn-A-Palooza!

7 Quick Takes, books, Catholicism, holidays, Seven Quick Takes, the book, knittingEmily DeArdo1 Comment


In the words of Dumbledore (adapted), “Welcome, welcome, to another week of Quick Takes!”

Post from earlier this week, which is proving really popular: Get In The Picture.


Last weekend, I attended my parish’s women’s retreat, and it was so lovely! I loved the items we received from Pio Prints, a fabulous local company.

Each table had a lovely bouquet of flowers.

Each table had a lovely bouquet of flowers.

I just joined this parish in January, so I hadn’t been to this retreat before, and I hadn’t had a chance to meet many women in the parish. Fellow Ave Author Emily Jaminet was the speaker, and she gave us three fabulous talks that were just what I needed to hear.

Emily’s authored and co-authored several books, and her talks were derived from those books. The first talk was about the Sacred Heart, which was a devotion I’d heard of but hadn’t really thought much about. Emily runs the local Sacred Heart Enthronement group, and it was beautiful to hear her talk about this special devotion! (Her book, Secrets of the Sacred Heart*, is well worth reading to learn more about this devotion).

Her second talk was about Christian friendship (based on her book The Friendship Project*, which is great), and the third focused on making time for prayer throughout our busy days! (Based on her book Prayfully)

My notebook is full of a lot of “thank you, Jesus!” for bringing me on this retreat, because initially, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. I am really glad I listened to Jesus’ prompting and went. And I told Him so when we had adoration after Mass.


It was also really great to talk to Emily about writing and being a writer, especially since we are published by the same publisher. She was also gracious enough to plug my book several times during the retreat!

There are so many lovely women at my parish who are truly seeking holiness, and it was great to meet them and have good Catholic women’s fellowship!

(Also, want a signed copy of my book for a Christmas gift? Keep reading. ;-)


Speaking of great Catholic women….my friend Kelly (who runs the Seven Quick Takes) has just published her first book!


I was deeply honored to endorse Better than OK*, which I think (and I wrote!) is vital for parents with kids who have chronic illnesses or other types of issues (I just say issues. I could say special needs, etc. but issues is the word that comes to mind for me!) It’s a beautiful, helpful book and I hope that it reaches the wide audience it deserves!

This sort of thing is something that the pro-life movement needs. We need parents to hear that it will be OK—BETTER than OK!—to raise these children, from parents in the same situations. We need to hear stories like mine that talk about how it’s possible to find job in a hard life. All these things come together to create a culture of life, with support that people need.

So go get this book! Get it! Now!


In Patty updates: this week, she has become a little girl.

I mean she always was one, duh. But she’s gone from baby/toddler to a little girl.


She has seemingly discovered her sister Bridget’s baby dolls this week, and…what a little mama! I just can’t believe how grown up she is, all of a sudden. Like I said—little girl, not a baby.

And what a fun stage—to hear her talk and to get to play dolls with her, like her sisters are doing—but it’s also sad to leave behind baby Patty.

Fortunately Baby Maddie (my niece, my sister Melanie and BIL Jason’s little girl) is on her way!!


Speaking of Maddie, I’ve started working on her blanket!


It’s a variation of the one I made Patty….


Which in and of itself is a variation on the Sully blanket pattern. (I don’t do the picked up border.)

or this one, I’m adding a small garter stitch boarder to keep the ends from curling up. You can’t really see it here (the bottom part, you can, imagine it doing that all the way around), but I don’t block blankets and with stockinette stitch (which this blanket is), I want there to be less curling. So basically every time I make this I modify it a little bit!

I’m using Rowan’s Baby Cashsoft Merino, which has cashmere in it, because, why not, and she is my first niece. :) (Well first niece or nephew, for that matter.) It’s so great to work with! I’m using the colors turquoise, rosy, snowflake, and lavender (in that order of striping) and I’m almost done with the first turquoise stripe. Because of the stockinette pattern you can’t see it really well, but I took a photo for you anyway (above)!


OK before we continue Yarn-A-Palooza, CHRISTMAS BOOKS.

If you would like a signed copy of Living Memento Mori for Christmas, then please email me. They are $20, and that includes shipping, a bookmark, and a prayer card. I can make it out to anyone you want! They are great gifts!


Back to yarn. :) I recently ordered these beauties, to make into a shawl:


And Christmas knitting has begun! I didn’t do too much of it last year, but this year, I’m making a few things for people. Do you make hand made gifts for anyone? I’m using some really soft yarn that will make up into great winter accessories!

Labor Day Sale at Ave Maria Press!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment
Labor Day Sale 2021_Instagram-Facebook _1.jpg

Happy Friday everyone!

There will be quick takes later but I wanted to post this first—Ave Maria Press is having a Labor Day Sale! You can get Living Memento Mori for 10% off through Monday! (As well as everything else they sell.)

Enter LABORDAY21 at checkout and there you go!

Another great resource is Ave Maria Press’s Notetaking Bible. I’m using it for my Bible In A Year studies. I’m ridiculously picky about Bibles and especially paper—I use fountain pens, sharpies, all sorts of markers, and I want them to work and not make a mess. That doesn’t happen with this bible—seriously. I can use fountain pens to make notes and there aren’t issues with feathering. (Sometimes, depending on the ink, it can bleed through a bit, but it’s not a big problem and it hasn’t happened often to me.)

It’s also a one-column Bible, which I like because it’s a lot easier to read!

There’s the hardcover or the imitation leather (which is the one I have). Take your pick!


So go shop! :) Enjoy!

Writing: The State of the Wicket

behind the scenes, books, Catholic 101, current projects, the book, writingEmily DeArdoComment
“Woman Reading”,  Edouard Manet

“Woman Reading”, Edouard Manet

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about a second book. (Including from my doctor!)

“Are you writing one?”

“What are you writing about now?”

“So you’re writing a second book, right?”


(It’s not bad news, don't worry.)

Here’s the deal.

For someone to get to write a second book, the first book has to sell.

Yes, it’s true. It all comes down to money. A publisher has to see sales to think, “Oh, OK, this person has an audience, so it’s worth our outlay of cash to support this person’s writing and give them a book contract.”

So, yes, if you want another book, you have to buy the current book.

I know so many of you have, and I am incredibly, stupendously grateful for your support. Everyone who has left reviews, or written blog posts, or bought copies for friends—I love you. I am so grateful to you.

If you would like to buy a copy, her are all the places you can get it:


Ave Maria Press (they often run sales, and I always post about these on the blog and on my social media accounts)

Barnes and Noble

As a NOOK book and on Kindle

Books a Million

Indiebound (you can also order it through your local indy bookstore!)


Also your local Catholic bookstore or indie bookstore can order it for you. Just ask them! They will do it!

I hate, hate, hate selling things. I hated selling candy bars for school, cookies for Girl Scouts, and cheese and sausage for choir. I HATE it.

But I know that if I want to earn any money writing, I have to ask people to support my writing. Which….I hate doing!

But it’s necessary.

If you already have Living Memento Mori, you can also get Catholic 101, my ebook about the basics of Catholicism, inspired by the years I taught first grade CCD. You can download it, read it on iPad or Kindle, or even print it out! You can gift it!

AND newsletter subscribers get 15% off the $5 price!

Another way is to support my Patreon. It’s more behind the scenes notes on creativity and what I’m working on than here, and it’s somewhat sporadic in posting, but there re goodies you can get and things that I only post there. So if you’re really interested in my inner workings, or just want to support my writing, that’s the way to go. Memberships start a dollar. You can become a patron here!

OK after all that, Patty cleanser!

She has EIGHT teeth now!

She has EIGHT teeth now!

OK so on to fun things: projects!

There are a few projects I’m working on.

The first one is Catholicism and Outlander, and I talk a lot more about that over on Patreon. I’m in the research phase of that one right now! (Which means reading and watching TV, POOR ME!)

The other one is a really, really basic knitting series. As in, yes, needles come in packs of two (I seriously did not know this). I know that I wanted something like that when I was starting, and it didn’t exist, and even “beginner” books were not really for beginners! So I’m working on that as well.

And that, my friends, is the state of the wicket!

SUMMER SALE at Ave Maria Press!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

Want to get your own copy of Living Memento Mori?

(Of course you do. There’s no other answer here.)

Or maybe you’re like my mom and you want to start your Christmas shopping early?

Ave Maria Press will help you out!


There is a SUMMER SALE going on right now.

Get 25% off EVERYTHING with the code SUMMER21

Here’s the link to get my book at the site!

The sale runs through 7/18, so hop to it! :)

And if you have read the book (and you have, right?) please leave a review on Amazon! It’s so helpful for sales!

Seven Quick Takes--Second Shot!

7 Quick Takes, the book, familyEmily DeArdo1 Comment



Let’s start with what was on the blog this week:

Living Memento Mori on Catholicmom.com!


Depending on when you’re reading this, I will either be on my way to get my second COVID vaccine, or I will have it! My parents and I are fully vaccinated!!!! Woo woo!

That means—MASS NEXT WEEKENDDDDDD. Church for Holy Week!!!!


It also means the I’ve booked a trip to see Patty and crew this summer!

Patty and her oldest sister, Susie, on their grandparents’ Texas ranch.

Patty and her oldest sister, Susie, on their grandparents’ Texas ranch.

Looking for cows.

Looking for cows.

Do I even NEED to tell y’ll how excited I am to get to see Patty? No? OK. :) :) Seriously SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDD. And to see everyone else, of course. I haven’t been to Houston in a few years. My sister used to live there before she got married, so I’ve been there twice. Once to see Mel, and once to see Diane when her daughter holding (Susie) Patty was A BABY. Seriously. She’s 12 now and playing lacrosse for her school and I’m thinking, you were just Patty’s age!


I am prepared to spend the weekend feeling not good, but that’s OK. I have meds here and entertainment. Worse comes to worse, I just sleep it off.


I am actually KnoMari’ing everything. I’ve done it before, but it wasn’t really thorough, I sort of half-did it, which is a no go. So the first thing was clothes. Oh my goodness WHAT a clothes purge. I’ve gotten rid of all sorts of things and it definitely makes me feel good. (I am donating everything, not tossing it unless it’s really just I crappy shape, like shoes with holes [why do I even have them?!] or things that are ripped.) I’m not really going to do books because I ddi them before I moved and I have my own system. So I’m finishing clothes and then I’ll move on to papers, which I actually have a fairly good handle on, but it can’t hurt to go through them again. I don’t think I need my tax return for 2006 anymore, right? :)


Don’t forget STATIONS OF THE CROSS on my Facebook page tonight at 7:00 EST!

stations 2021.png


And finally, if you’ve read Living Memento Mori, please leave a review on Amazon or goodreads? THANK YOU! They’re so helpful in getting the word out! (It can be the same one both places!) Also on goodreads, be sure to add it to your shelves!


Do you remember Little Billy? He would’ve been a year old on St. Patrick’s Day. Please pray for his parents and family!